The Challenge of
Implementation of Precision Medicine

Center for Rare Disease Research

The goal of Laboratory of Precision Immunology is to achieve precision medicine based on immunology and vaccine research,
and the mission is to contribute research results to the health of many people, from young to elderly.
Precision medicine refers to medical treatment that is tailored to each individual patient.



Research that leads to the discovery of new immunological factors and their therapeutic applications.

Research that leads to the discovery of new immunological factors and their therapeutic applications.

Through analysis of human clinical specimens and other data, we aim to discover new immune factors against infectious diseases and cancer, leading to the development of new vaccines and therapies.

In particular, we emphasize translational research based on individual immunological differences.

For example, it has been reported that elderly people with advanced immune senescence have "a higher risk of developing concomitant cancer and infectious diseases" and that "vaccines are not sufficiently effective.

By understanding the immunological backgrounds of individuals in different age groups and for different diseases, we will identify problems and issues in current diagnosis and treatment, establish a technological platform for personalized and stratified medicine, and develop new vaccines, immunotherapy, diagnostic biomarkers, etc. by utilizing this technological platform.

Establishment of an Advanced Immunological Analysis Platform

Establishment of an Advanced Immunological Analysis Platform

We believe that a more advanced analysis platform is needed to understand the characteristics of the complex human immune system and to identify problems.

Therefore, our laboratory has developed a world-class analysis platform (high-level immunological analysis platform) that enables multifaceted, high-resolution analysis of differences in the immune system and responses to immunogens in each individual.

By utilizing the above platform, we hope to extract the issues of current vaccines and therapies from the analysis of various human clinical specimens, and to validate novel therapies or diagnostic biomarkers to solve such issues at the in vivo level in non-clinical studies using rodents and non-human primates, and hopefully return them to clinical use. We would like to extract novel therapeutic or diagnostic biomarkers to solve such problems.

Drug discovery research that takes into account individual differences in immunology.

Drug discovery research that takes into account individual differences in immunology.

We aim to establish immunological analysis systems, search for biomarkers, and establish new preventive and therapeutic methods directly related to human clinical applications by comparing human clinical specimens, genetically modified mice as animal models, and non-human primate monkey specimens on a side-by-side basis. Our major research focuses on cancer-related research and research related to infectious diseases.


Safety and immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 self-amplifying RNA vaccine expressing an anchored RBD: A randomized, observer-blind phase 1 study

Akahata W, Sekida T, Nogimori T, Ode H, Tamura T, Kono K, Kazami Y, Washizaki A, Masuta Y, Suzuki R, Matsuda K, Komori M, Morey AL, Ishimoto K, Nakata M, Hasunuma T, Fukuhara T, Iwatani Y, Yamamoto T, Smith JF, Sato N. Cell Rep Med. 2023 Aug 15;4(8):101134.doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.101134.

saRNA vaccine expressing membrane-anchored RBD elicits broad and durable immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.

Komori M, Nogimori T, Morey AL, Sekida T, Ishimoto K, Hassett MR, Masuta Y, Ode H, Tamura T, Suzuki R, Alexander J, Kido Y, Matsuda K, Fukuhara T, Iwatani Y, Yamamoto T, Smith JF, Akahata W.Nat Commun. 2023 May 19;14(1):2810. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-38457-x.

Post-fusion influenza vaccine adjuvanted with SA-2 confers heterologous protection via Th1-polarized, non-neutralizing antibody responses

Nishiyama A, Adachi Y, Tonouchi K, Moriyama S, Sun L , Aoki M, Asanuma H, Shirakura M, Fukushima A, Yamamoto T, Takahashi Y. Vaccine. 2023 Jul 12;41(31):4525-4533.doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.06.019. Epub 2023 Jun 15.


Project Leader
Takuya Yamamoto

Our laboratory, located in the Center for Intractable Diseases and Immunogenomics, aims to promote patient-oriented and clinically oriented drug discovery research centered on immunological studies for infectious diseases and intractable cancers. By making full use of the high-level immunological analysis platform, which is one of the strengths of our laboratory, we aim to elucidate immune responses that show diverse phenotypes in each disease using non-human primate and human clinical specimens, and to develop new vaccines and immunotherapies in the future.

Our research on infectious diseases includes both chronic infectious disease-causing viruses such as HIV and HBV and acute infectious disease-causing viruses such as influenza viruses and novel coronaviruses, and we are conducting research by comparing non-human primate monkey models with human clinical specimens. In particular, we have accumulated unparalleled know-how, antibody libraries, and data on high-level immunological analysis techniques using monkey specimens, and our partnership with the Primate Medical Research Center, of which the Institute is a proud member, provides an environment in which we can maximize the utility of nonhuman primates as non-clinical models. Specifically, for chronic infectious diseases, we are working on the development of novel immunotherapies for HIV-1, HBV, and HTLV-1 that will lead to functional cures. As for acute infectious diseases, we are focusing on vaccine development research, always trying to incorporate new modalities. In particular, we are currently focusing on the development of new coronavirus vaccines and universal influenza vaccines, and are advancing our research with an eye toward early commercialization.

As for cancer-related research, we are conducting research aimed at developing novel cancer immunotherapy and therapeutic cancer vaccines for refractory cancers such as pancreatic cancer. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is extremely poor, with an overall five-year survival rate of less than 10%. In this regard, we are using state-of-the-art high-parameter flow cytometers and scRNAseq to evaluate immune responses from multiple perspectives. We are conducting basic research to discover biomarkers that reflect cancer pathology, to find effective cancer-specific immune response, to establish an early diagnosis system, and to construct new therapeutic strategies. In addition, in order to conduct research aimed at returning the results to clinical practice, we conduct research focusing on clinical specimens and actively collaborate with various clinical institutions, including the Osaka International Cancer Center, which is one of the leading high-volume centers in Japan.

We are always looking for post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, technical assistants, and collaborators. In all of our research themes, we always keep practical application in mind and promote industry-academia collaboration with various pharmaceutical companies. We believe that it is possible for us to experience a part of the practical application process of how academia and pharmaceutical companies collaborate to advance drug discovery research. We hope to nurture researchers who can constantly communicate their research to the world, and we encourage them to actively participate in joint research projects in Japan and abroad, including support for study abroad, so that they can play an active role on the international stage in the future. Project leader Yamamoto is also an invited professor at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (doctoral course) and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (master's and doctoral courses), and can also accept graduate students through the cooperative graduate school system (see here for details). If you are interested in any of the above themes and would like to work on it with enthusiasm, please feel free to visit our laboratory.


Project Leader
Takuya Yamamoto
Deputy project leader
Shokichi Takahama
Staff Scientist
Takuto Nogimori
Senior Research Fellow
Yuji Masuta, Ayae Nishiyama, Yoshinori Okina, Takahiro Tomiyama
Postdoctoral Fellow
Kitiya Piboonprai, Yuta Nagatsuka
Research Coordinator
Yuki Katayama
Research Coordinator
(administrative work)
Nozomi Higashi
Technical Staff
Mami Ikeda, Yuki Katayama, Atsuko Yasumoto, Saiko Ito,
Mayumi Shibuya, Tomoko Watase
Graduate student
Mayu Kumamoto
Guest Professor/Associated Professor
Yoshimasa Takahashi, Yasuko Yokota, Yasuo Yoshioka,
Satoshi Tanaka, Yorifumi Sato, Hirofumi Akita, Yasutoshi Kido,
Takasuke Fukuhara, Tomokazu Tamura
Collaborative Researcher
Hiroyuki Kayo, Yuko Sugawara, Mariko Ikuo, Hirotomo Murakami, Rigel Suzuki


  • NIH NIAID Vaccine Research Center
  • Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Tropical Medicine,
    The George Washington University
  • Centre d'Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses (CIMI-Paris), Sorbonne
    Université, INSERM U1135
  • Université de Bordeaux, CNRS UMR5164, INSERM ERL1303, ImmunoConcEpT
  • Tsukuba Primate Research Center, NIBIOHN
  • National Institute of Infectious Diseases
  • The Research Center for Hepatitis and Immunology, The National Center for Global Health and Medicine
  • The Institute of Medical Science, The University Of Tokyo
  • School of Health Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology
  • Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
  • The Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University
  • Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Osaka International Cancer Institute
  • Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Osaka General Medical Center
  • Department of Surgery and Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
  • Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection, Kumamoto University
  • The International Research Center for Medical Sciences (IRCMS), Kumamoto University
  • Hokkaido Information University
  • Several pharmaceutical companies
  • Nippon Becton Dickinson Company, Ltd.
  • VLP Therapeutics


We are always recruiting researchers and students who work together with us. If you are interested in, please contact directly.